Docker Installation

Getting your own development environment.

Preparing Your System

  1. You need to install docker in your system. The installation guide covers many operating systems but for now we only support Linux.
  2. We are using an orchestration tool for docker called docker-compose that helps us automate the procedure of initiating our docker containers required for development. Installation instructions can be found in Compose’s documentation. Version required: 1.0.1 or newer.

Build the Environment

When you want to start contributing…

  1. Fork the main ReMo repository.

  2. Clone your fork to your local machine:

    $ git clone remo
    (lots of output - be patient...)
    $ cd remo
  3. Configure your local ReMo installation:

    $ cp env-dist .env
  4. Update the product details:

    $ docker-compose run web python update_product_details -f
  5. Create the database tables and run the migrations:

    $ docker-compose run web python migrate --noinput
  6. Create your own admin account:

    $ docker-compose run web ./ createsuperuser
  7. Add demo users:

    $ docker-compose run web ./ loaddata demo_users
  8. Add demo functional areas:

    $ docker-compose run web ./ loaddata demo_functional_areas
  9. Add demo mobilizing expertise:

    $ docker-compose run web ./ loaddata demo_mobilising_skills
  10. Add demo mobilizing learning interests:

    $ docker-compose run web ./ loaddata demo_mobilising_interests
  11. Add demo events:

    $ docker-compose run web ./ loaddata demo_events

Running ReMo

  1. Run ReMo:

    $ docker-compose up
    (lots of output - be patient...) or
    $ docker-compose run --rm --service-ports web
    (this enables the output of print() on the docker output)
  2. Open the local site and develop!

  3. Run tests:

    $ docker-compose run web ./ test